111th Annual Meeting

The Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans’ Annual Meeting will take place September 18, 2024 at 7pm at the Uptown Jewish Community Center. During this business meeting, Federation members (defined as being part of a Jewish household and a donor in good standing to the 2024 Annual Campaign) will vote on the nomination slate below.

Pursuant to the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans By-Laws, Article VI, Section 5, the 2024-2025 Nomination Slate is posted to the membership at large. Additional names for Trustees and Officers may be nominated by petition containing the signatures of at least 50 members of the Federation. Nominations by petition shall be submitted, in writing, to the current Secretary (Jackie Stern) at least
30 days before the Annual Meeting. Learn more at www.jewishnola.com.

Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans Nomination Slate

Board Chair Designate: Melinda Mintz
Board of Trustees Members: Hallie Timm Bonin | Michele Gelman | Shayna Goldfine |
Stan Kessler | Alon Shaya | Brian Weimer

Respectfully submitted by:
Brian Katz, 2024-2026 Federation Nominating Committee Chair
2024-2025 Federation Nominating Committee Members:
Bradley Bain | Dr. Marc Behar | Ina Davis | Joshua Force | Mara Force | Michele Gelman |
Julie Green | David Shepard | Dr. Michael Wasserman

Special thanks to the following exiting board members:
Alex Gershanik | Joshua Rubenstein | Peter Seltzer | Steven Timm

Jewish Endowment Foundation of Louisiana (JEF) Nomination Slate

Re-election to a two-year term starting January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2026:
Jessica Bach | Mara Force | Jeffrey Good | Jill Israel | Leon Rittenberg III | Dana Shepard |
Eddie Soll | Mark Stein | Gary Zoller | Max Zwain

Election to a two-year term starting January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2026:
Chad Berg | Kendall Glade | Brad Gottsegen | Susan Green | Jonathan Katz | John Lovett

According to JEF’s by-laws, nominees will be submitted for election by the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans at its Annual Meeting. JEF’s Officers are elected by its Board at its first Board meeting following the
Federation Annual Meeting.