High Holy Days

We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming High Holy Days at our many places of worship. We are blessed to have this wonderful community.  To see more community events, please visit our Community Calendar.


Erev Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday, Oct. 2

  • First Evening Services: 6:30 pm


Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, Oct. 3

  • Morning Services: 10 am
  • Shofar Sounding: 12 pm
  • Community Lunch: 2 pm
  • Shofar and Tashlich in the Park: 4 pm
  • Second Evening Services: 7:15 pm


Rosh Hashanah Second Day, Friday, Oct. 4


Erev Yom Kippur, Friday, Oct. 11

  • Kol Nidrei Services: 6:15 pm


Yom Kippur, Saturday, Oct. 12

  • Morning Services: 10 am
  • Yizkor Memorial Service: 12:30 pm
  • Afternoon Service: 5 pm
  • Neilah Closing Service: 6 pm
    Followed by break-the-fast buffet


Erev Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday, Oct. 2

Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, Oct. 3

  • Munchkin Minyan 9AM — Sanctuary
  • Morning Worship 10:15AM — Sanctuary
  • Children’s Service  11:15AM — Bart Room
  • Tashlich  4PM — Bonnabel Boat Launch

Sunday, Oct. 6:

  • Cemetery Service  4PM — Joseph Street Cemetery
  • Cemetery Service 5PM — Canal Street Cemetery

Erev Yom Kippur, Friday, Oct. 11

Yom Kippur, Saturday, Oct. 12

  • Munchkin Minyan 9AM — Sanctuary
  • Morning Worship 10:15AM — Sanctuary
  • Children’s Service 11:15AM — Bart Room
  • Mussar with Lynn Friedman & Gina Nádas 1PM — TBD
  • Tikkun Midot Hanefesh – Virtues of the Soul 1PM — Sanctuary
  • Music & Meditation 2PM — Sanctuary
  • Guided Meditation for Practicing Forgiveness with Susan Levin 2PM — Adult Lounge
  • Sorry! Sorry!- An Apology Workshop with Rabbi Bob Loewy 2PM — TBD
  • Healing & Afternoon Torah & Haftarah Reading 3PM — Sanctuary
  • Yizkor & Neilah 4:30PM — Sanctuary





Sunday, Sep. 29  12:00pm – 3:00pm

  • Celebrate the Jewish New Year, 5785, at the Uptown JCC Outdoor Pool with live music from jazz trio Nolatet, featuring Johnny Vidacovich, Mike Dillon, James Singleton, and Brian Haas. Kids’ bounce houses, games, a Rosh Hashanah card-making activity, and a special cafe menu highlight a fantastic day at the J!


Erev Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday, Oct. 2

  • 7:30PM Rosh HaShanah Evening Service followed by a Sweet New Year Reception


Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, Oct. 3

  • 10:00AM Rosh HaShanah Morning Service Followed by our Luncheon Reception (reservations required)
  • 2:30PM Rosh HaShanah Family Service
  • 3:30PM Tashlich (meeting at Temple and walking to Audubon Park


Shabbat Shuvah – Friday, October 4 & Saturday, October 5

Kever Avot – Sunday, October 6

  • 11:30AM Ceremony at Hebrew Rest Cemetery #3


Erev Yom Kippur, Friday, Oct. 11

  • 7:30PM Yom Kippur Evening / Kol Nidre Service


Yom Kippur, Saturday, Oct. 12

  • 10:00AM Yom Kippur Morning Service
  • 12:30PM Study Session & Discussion in the Library
  • 2:00PM Yom Kippur Family Service
  • 3:00 – 6:00PM Yom Kippur Afternoon
  • 3:00PM Yom Kippur Afternoon Service
  • 4:15PM Yizkor / Memorial Service
  • 5:00PM Neilah / Concluding Service
    The Moise S. Steeg Break-the-Fast will follow the end of the Neilah Service (reservations required)


Wednesday, October 16 5:30PM

  • Sukkot Dinner under the stars: Spuds & Suds Join us for the FIRST night of Sukkot featuring a baked potato bar, soda & beer in the sukkah before our service @ 6:15PM


Friday, October 18

  • SUSHI IN THE SUKKAH Following service, enjoy sushi, sashimi, as well as chicken and vegetarian options


Sunday, October 20 11AM-1PM

  • Splashin’ in the Sukkah in partnership with Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans Center for Interfaith Families & C@S
  • Waterslide, water toys & kid-friendly lunch in the sukkah


Sunday, October 20 4:30PM

  • Sisterhood Sukkot Light supper and socializing with your Temple Sinai Sisters!


Monday, October 21 7:30-9:00PM

  • JPNOLA & TEMPLE SINAI PRESENT Pride Luau in the Sukkah


Erev Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday, Oct. 2

  • Services 6pm-7pm
  • Dinner 7pm-8pm


Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, Oct. 3

  • Morning Service: 9:30 am-12:30 pm
  • Lunch: 12:30 pm – 1 pm


Erev Yom Kippur, Friday, Oct. 11

  • Pre-fast meal: 5:30 – 6:30 pm
  • Kol Nidre Service: 6:30 – 8 pm
  • Discussion Group “How to be Good?”: 8 – 8:45 pm


Yom Kippur, Saturday, Oct. 12

  • Morning Service: 10 am – 1 pm
  • Discussion Group “Yom Kippur: A Day of Joy?” : 5:30-6:15 pm
  • Neilah Service: 6:15 -7:15 pm
  • Break-fast Dinner: 7:15-8:15 pm


Register for all of these events here.